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An open invitation

It’s an addiction like none other. It’s true, I’m a social media convert, spending most of my time online on Twitter and Facebook. It started as research for my job as a communications professional studying and figuring out how web 2.0 platforms work. Along the way I realized just how much I enjoyed the conversation. So, you have an open invitation to follow me on Twitter.

I started this blog with the strong desire to reach out to the writing community and share my creativity with a larger audience. Through my blogging I developed strong friendships with writers and those connections have enriched my life to no end. I remain committed to chicken-scratch, to blogging and to my writing. What makes a blog come alive is not only the content but being authentic. And, I’ve always been me. I’m now doing research on how to embrace and link comments so that they become part of a larger conversation. So here’s another invitation - do you, my readers, have any ideas, suggestions on how to make that happen on here? How do we make chicken-scratch more interactive without breaking the bank?

Related Entries: Some thoughts on Imperfect Birds, a novel by Anne Lamott | a confession of sorts | 10 questions | The Five Secrets Movie, by John Izzo | Read: Blogging - It's Good for You |

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People just love interacting through different social media. These things give a lot of benefits and one of those is making friends.

I suggest you install a plugin that allows people who comment to put their keywords while encouraging them to put in their names. It attracts more readers, definitely.Not sure, though, if it's free.

Lovely to see you write so freely Christine. I look forward to reading more.

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