« September 2008 | Main | November 2008 » October 29, 2008October 28, 200810 questionsIt’s way past my bedtime. In trying to find the “sweet spot” for chicken scratch, I came across these ten questions. While some of the questions are geared towards marketing/merchandising blogs (and don’t really apply to me) - they do serve as good jumping off point for discussion. Do I really know what chicken scratch is about? Do I really know what I want it be? The only way to know is to start writing until the answers become clear … to be con’t … 1. Who are your primary and secondary targets for your blog? 2. What do you want to tell them? 3. Do you understand what the key informational needs of the audience are? 4. Are you reading other blogs on that topic, and ones targeting your customers and prospects? 5. If you are reading, are you leaving comments that add to the online conversation on the blogs you cover? 6. Do you have a firm grasp on the types of keywords to focus on that would be relevant to your blog? 7. Do you follow those keywords on Technorati and Google Blog Search? Do you have alerts set up around those keywords at Google Alerts? (or possibly even use a reputation management system?) 8. Can you commit to blogging at least two-to-three times per week? (consistency is key, based on the expectations you set with your audience) 9. What is your ultimate goal in starting a blog? In one year from when you start blogging, how will your life be different? 10. Are you looking at blogging as a challenge or something that could be fun?
October 26, 2008October 19, 2008the incredible book eating galOne of EM’s favourite bedtime reads of late is a picture book by Oliver Jeffers called “the incredible book eating boy.” It’s an accurate descriptor of what’s been going on in my life. We recently started unpacking boxes of books that had been in storage for the past eight years. And I have been rediscovering my long lost loves. We’re building a library downstairs. That’s always been a dream of mine, to have an ENTIRE room dedicated to books. I collected children’s books long before EM. At three, she’s the owner of quite an extensive library: books in Greek, French and English. And together, we’re now making our way through Mr. Semolina-Semolinus: A Greek Folktale. EM loves the story so much that she takes the hard-cover book to bed. And for me, it makes me want to bake more.