Poetry Train Monday # 3 - Introducing: Magda Part 2

For today’s entry, I bring you more of Magda’s story from my work in progress. Go here to read part one. Climb aboard Rhian’s Poetry Train.
At home, I told myself that I was not lonely, though surely the oldest living virgin in Western Canada. But now, dancing with Georgios, dancing in front of these men, their admiration obvious, I could see myself more clearly than before. Running my fingers through my shoulder length black hair, I pretended I was Melina Mercouri arching my back, pushing my breasts forward, my full hips effortlessly following the syncopated drumming. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t a size six.
A strange sort of ecstasy began to mount in me, something I had never felt before. Excitement at first, it became a wild exuberance. I looked up and saw that the men were transfixed a silence settling upon them. I no longer felt like I would never marry, that a virginal future moved toward me, immovable.
Give me a cigarette.
Give me fire.
Let me feast on your caresses.
For as daybreak approaches
I’ll disappear.
My companions were getting drunk. They were pushing each other out of the way to sit next to me. Georgios was quieter than the others looking at me with a shy expression. He offered me his hand. I accepted his unspoken invitation leaving the bacchanal behind.
In silence walked up to the small peak of this rocky town. There were large olive trees there, with branches that came down almost to the ground. We passed a few other couples embracing, hidden under the trees. We walked further, an eagerness between us.
I should not be here.
I wanted to be here.
I was here.
Finally, there was a place for us, under the watchful eyes of Saints. He sat down; a stones throw away from a long abandoned chapel, its doors firmly clamped by a rusted padlock. He gestured for me to join him. He lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. I found the courage to ask him something.
Georgios, do you like living here?
In Greece?
Yes, In Greece.
He looked over at me and raised his shoulders, a non-shrug. Then looked above me. His gaze settled on the Chapel. In his broken English he told me this small church was dedicated to the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It was centuries old. The icons had been removed in order to protect them from the invading infidels across the water. Some enterprising islanders decided that selling them to private art collectors on the black market was better than leaving them to be destroyed. His great grandfather managed to salvage a few and now they are family heirlooms.
You like icons?
Yes, I grew up with them.
What you paint?
Women, mostly.
I send you one.
Somehow, because he had to struggle so hard with his words, I trusted him. No talk anymore, he whispered, taking my hand and putting his finger to my lips.
I felt anxious to be doing this so close to the house of God. I was looking over his head into the trees and he was unbuttoning my blouse. He stood up, pulled me against him and unfastened my bra. He took my hand and pressed it against him.
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I love your writing style -- it's smooth and flowing, and you're fabulous at description, painting a picture with masterful yet simple brush strokes. And you are excellent at capturing complex feelings.
Thanks for sharing this, and I, too, would like more, more, more!
Posted by: Thomma Lyn | June 4, 2007 11:40 PM
VERY nice writing. This really evokes a lot of concrete images -- and emotions. I, too, want more!
Posted by: Susan Helene Gottfried | June 4, 2007 6:08 PM
Oh my, very nice. More please.
Posted by: Ann | June 4, 2007 12:57 PM
I love Georgios' simple words. He's a very attractive character in a short excerpt. Makes me want to know more!
Posted by: julia | June 4, 2007 10:09 AM
This was terrific - and i loved the word play that reinforced the sense of seduction as a spiritual experience, lifting her out of the mundane into the extraordinary. Excellent!
Posted by: Rhian | June 4, 2007 10:08 AM
Great post! Very good. I think you've got a great style going for yourself. Thank you for sharing.
Posted by: Rashenbo | June 4, 2007 6:36 AM
Great excerpt Xine... I want to know what happens next!
Posted by: Miss Frou Frou | June 4, 2007 6:20 AM
do i sense that Magda is about to encounter magma?
my poem this week could be said to be about encounters of a sort....
Posted by: Joy Renee | June 4, 2007 3:35 AM
Beautiful, Christine.
Oh I wanted to read some more...the NEXT part too, LOL!!
I love everything you write. I find it very inspiring and profound. =)
Posted by: Red Garnier | June 3, 2007 10:21 PM
That's great!! Awesome! I could say more ... but it's midnight and I am so tired, but I really loved it.
Posted by: Amy Ruttan | June 3, 2007 9:03 PM