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I say and you think?

Your responses must begin with the first letter of your name… Not as easy as it sounds.

I say and you think?

Famous Musician: Chopin

3 letter word: Cap

Street name: Comox

Color: Chartreuse

Vehicle: Cabriolet

TV Show: Cops

City: Calgary

Boy Name: Charles

Girl Name: Charlotte

Alcoholic Drink: Champagne

Occupation: Communications Specialist

Flower: Chrysanthemum

Celebrity: Charo

Famous Leader: Churchill

Toy: Crayons

Animal: Chameleon

Food: Croissants

Something found in a kitchen: Cleaver

Reason for Being Late: Conflicting appointments

Something You Throw Away: Charred food

Cartoon Character: Casper the friendly ghost

Type of desert: Cheesecake

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Decided to try this out. It's harder than it looks. Thanks for the meme!