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Thursday Thirteen #9 - Lessons from Mom & Dad


From my mother:

1. How to ward off the evil eye.
2. How to argue without saying a word.
3. How to dress well.
4. How to wear red lipstick.
5. To relish the pain that life sometimes brings as this makes you stronger, wiser and more resilient.
6. To always bring extra tissues in your handbag (they always come in handy).
7. Always wear clean underwear.
8. Speak first of the good characteristics in people (this makes you gracious).
9. How to make green beans (fasolakia), lentils (fa-kes) and stuffed tomatoes (yemista) ~ always use freshest of ingredients and make garlic your friend.
10. Always cross yourself when you leave the house or get into a car.
11. To say the Lord’s Prayer under my breath whenever I’m scared.
12. To ignore gossip and trust my instinct.
13. To pay attention to the world seen and unseen.


From my father:

1. To be a good storyteller.
2. To laugh out loud – everyday.
3. To be fearless and believe in myself.
4. To see the humor in the most tragic of circumstances.
5. That life can be beautiful and ugly at the same time because we are Greek.
6. To never say “poor me” and “if only.”
7. One day, I’ll be thankful for the piano and ballet lessons.
8. To be quick on my feet – and not just physically.
9. To choose a man who looks good in a tuxedo.
10. Always be the first one to apologize, as you never know tomorrow …
11. There’s no shame in hard work.
12. To never look at a price tag when purchasing clothes: if you love it and it’s well made – consider it an investment.
13. Always say “I love you” to those close to your heart; to say it often and with abandon.


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What great lists! I hope I am imparting such wisdom to my two teens....things they can use for the rest of their lives.

Thanks for visiting my Thirteen earlier :)

Awww...these are so sweet. Great parents you have!

Great lists, your mum sounds a lot like mine!

Two lists - you're such an overachiever (kidding). Seriously I love these. Especially befriending garlic and wearing clean underwear.

You were blessed to have some very great parents.
I'm glad Rosemarie sent me here.

Oh, what a sweet idea for a list!! Wowie!

I love this list! I got a good laugh, and felt a little jealous! Sounds like they are some wonderful people, with some cool quirks!

A very nice list! But I want to know, how do you win the argument? Is it through the use of the evil eye?

The pictures were nice that you added.

How *do* you ward off the evil eye and argue without saying a word?

"Make garlic your friend"..that is very wise advice. I have just learned that in my adult life...

It is great to have wise and loving parents isn't it?

Great idea for a list!!

Thank you for stopping by mine!!

Happy TT :)

Wow, Look at you Miss Thing...so young and already so observant. You are blessed to have had such wonderful parents and Emma will be blessed because she has you.

Great lessons! Your parents sound like awesome people.

GREAT LIST! Thanks for visiting mine......it is UP NOW! (Sorry about that!) Have a great week, and thanks for sharing such a great idea! I posted about my dad today since it's his birthday, but i should do one on Mom soon, too!

What a sweet list. Thanks for visiting.

Beautiful lists and wonderful things to have learned.

Oh I love these lists, they are wonderful. I might have to use this theme sometime.
Thanks for visiting my list and happy TT!

Great TT.

I love the evil eye one. That was soooo funny.

Happy TT, thanks for dropping by mine.

Wonderful list. We learn so many important things from our parents and it's lovely to see them passed on to others.

Of course, my favourite is mom #7 - or in my husband's family "semper ubi sub ubi".

Wow, what a great list of advice. It looks like some very wise folks passed down some of their great wisdom and I'm sure you'll do the same.

Thanks for dropping by.

Great wisdom in those things. Your parents were very wise. If we all concentrated on the positive (and wore clean underwear) the world would be a much better place.

Thanks for visiting my TT.

Oh, I love this list. thanks so much for sharing!

Great lists! It's so true - you never know what tomorrow will bring...

Mine is up!

Wonderful list, and it seems you have wonderful parents as well.

This is an awesome list! I still haven't learned how to wear red lipstick. One of these days I'm going to have to!

Two very beautiful lists. Your parents sound like lovely people and they raised you well since you obviously took their teachings and values to heart.

Thanks for sharing that glimpse with us.

Happy TT day. My list is up on 13 names for a latina heroine for my next book.

These are wonderful tributes and good details that make me start making my own list in my head. You could start something here! Thanks for the poem you left on Loose Leaf

And sharing them is the one left unspoken.

Thank you.

Great advice - just one thing - I thought all men looked good in tuxedos.

I love these two from your mom:
To relish the pain that life sometimes brings as this makes you stronger, wiser and more resilient & To say the Lord’s Prayer under my breath whenever I’m scared.

My two favorite from your dad are:
There’s no shame in hard work & To never look at a price tag when purchasing clothes: if you love it and it’s well made – consider it an investment.

Can I take your dad shopping with me. Great Blog - Happy TT!

Wonderful lessons! Thank you for sharing those!!

You were so right about us being on the same wavelength this week! What I find most interesting though is that we both end with the same "lesson" - say 'i love you.'

Thanks for visiting my blog - hope to see you around again. =)

Happy TT!

Wow! It's a great list. It reminds me to show only good things tomy son so when he grows up, he can make such a great list.


Wonderful advice!
Great TT!
Happy TT'ing!

Your parents sound like beautiful people. You are lucky to have them in your life. :)

What a lovely portrait of your parents.

Happy TT, and thanks for visiting my blog.

Wonderful TT! Great advice :)

you're so blessed to have parents like them. My mom is a single parent. I remembered her from the list you've made. Thanks for visting my blog. God bless

Your parents are amazing. You've painted a picture as if they're flawless. It's a good thing! You're one of a few.

Thanks for stopping by!

what a great list you got here Christine. . .

as a mom now i always have tissues in my bag and I also reminds my daugther to do so... you never know when will you need it.

Happy TT

Great list. I especially love #2 of your Mother's and #10 from your Dad.

Thanks for visiting.

That is two very nice lists about your parents. Is that you w/ your dad in the photo? Very cute! Maybe I should do a list like this....
Thanks for sharing!

I agree, freshest ingredients are always the best - and garlic is great!!

I agree w/ your Dad - laughing out loud is great!!

Thanks for visiting me!

You had some smart parents. Well done. Reminded me of my own mom in many ways... Thanks.

What a beautiful post. It sounds like you have learned a lot.

Great list!

Good parents are a lifelong blessing! I could certainly write good lists about what I have learned from mine. Thanks for coming by my blog.

What a touching post, and thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your kind comments. :)

Your parents sound like such special people -- I know you must treasure them.

Happy TT to you!

What precious lists you have here. I try to teach my daughter those lessons, if she picks up on half of them by the time she graduates I will think it was a success. She will, hopefully, remember the rest as she gets older.

Thank you for stopping by my TT! Have a wonderful night and Thursday!

How sweet! All good lessons.

A double dose! a great value and some great lessons. I think all moms tell you to wear clean underwear. Its a gene I think.

My Thursday Thirteen #37 is up! In honor of my second Blogoversary I have listed My 13 Favorite Posts of the Last Year